I’m not here to play PC police or even tell you why it’s bad. Every time I see this phrase or hear it, I cringe:

“We’re seeing a dogfight right now”

Really? Are we? Is this sporting event a dogfight? Is the argument between 2 reality, *ahem*, stars really a dogfight?

Think of the imagery. I’m asking you to think of something awful, I know. What do you think of? Me, I see Michael Vick. I see things I can’t unsee. I see pictures of something called ‘bait dogs’, which is horrible.

Please, stop using this phrase to describe something that is nothing. Dogfighting is awful. The imagery behind the words is terrible. Find another metaphor. Find another simile. Find another comparison. Quit being lazy, because you heard it from someone else before you thought about it.

Wake up! Because your words matter.

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