And I mean this from the bottom of my left ventricle:
Just move on already.
I have had a few friends tell me some ridiculous tales of ‘love’ lately. So much so that I’m going to share. We’ve hit the epidemic of stupid. We’ve all seen what we think is crazy. We’ve seen the things that belong on reality TV. Or, unfortunately, Court TV. But we the people have hit new lows that I was hoping I’d never see, hear, nor read about.
Why can’t people handle the break-up?
Is it technology? Meaning, because people can’t have a conversation anymore, is this why?
Is it because no one gets told ‘No’ anymore? Take a good look and listen next time you’re at a Target, Walmart, Trader Joe’s, or a mall. No one gets told ‘No’ anymore. Start doing it, the world will be a better place.
Or could it be the trophy generation coming home to roost? On top of no one ever being told ‘no’, we’ve seen every kid in the last 20 years get a trophy or a ribbon just for showing up. Is that what these kids have turned into grown-ups into thinking? That dating, or being with someone is just showing up? So when they get told “we’re done” they can’t handle it and temporarily do some messed up things?
On top of the hurtful things people can say to each other during and after a break-up, I’ve seen and heard way too many stories detailing behavior that is not only cringe-worthy, it’s possible that it could be criminal.
Now that we are in the throws of social media, your ex can now stalk you 6 ways to Sunday (email, IM, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, text)-naming 6 was just that easy. People can’t just let well enough alone. Some people have to tell their ex ‘enough is enough, please stop contacting me’. And even then, the not-so-subtle hint gets ignored. Proper authorities can then get called in, yet that only ratchets up the crazy.
I’ll say this much, love does make us all do stupid things. But I was hoping for more of the stupid, cutesy shit. Not the kind of thing that ends up being on the news or a made for TV movie…or worse, Lifetime.
For everyone, just take the hint. Before it becomes the hint on a restraining order. Get drunk. Write horrible poetry. Write the letter you’ll never send. Watch a movie marathon. Hell, run a marathon. Hit the gym. Just don’t hit your former partner. Not even metaphorically.
Take the high road, there’s less traffic there.
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