There’s a name for it

It’s called ‘Depression’.

Maybe you’ve heard of it? In case you haven’t, it’s a pretty big deal. I have no idea what triggers it, the cause, the reason. Can I blame it on the rain? Can it be blame on lack of hugs? Sitting alone? Genetics? It could be any and all of those things.

People can be bummed out. Sometimes bad things happen. Things may not go the way you hope. It’s called life. There’s a ton of this going around right now. Is it because of technology? Or has it become easier to diagnose? Just asking questions.

So if you are thinking of your friend who you haven’t heard from in awhile, wondering how they are, pick up the phone. I’ll even let a text message suffice.

My reason for asking about technology? Well, for all these ways we communicate with each other, just seems like no one can hold a conversation anymore. The art of communication is fading. It will ebb & flow, for sure. With everyone being ‘so busy’, no one has time outside of their bubble.

Say hey to someone, you might just brighten their day.

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