You’re Busy? Me too!

Fuck Your ‘Busy’. Aren’t we all? I mean this with every fiber of my being. Just. Stop. Enough already. Quit telling me you’ve been so busy. Everyone is busy. Even unemployed people are busy. You make a choice every time to either pick up the phone or you don’t. It’s okay if your life is more important than mine. I respect that. Mine is more important to me than yours is, too. There, are we on even ground now? Do you feel that we’ve been FAIR to each other? I’m on the verge of begging, please stop with that word. It’s not realistic. You owe me nothing. I’m just noting that the unspoken contract of our friendship dictates that every once in awhile we communicate. Be it email, the phone (the horror! You have to physically talk!!), instant message, Facebook message, Twitter, snail mail, or good ol’ fashioned texting. How much would it mean to someone to let them know you’re thinking of them? What would it mean to you? So, please. Please please please please please-stop telling me you’re busy. I know you are. And so am I. I’m just putting this out there-what if they weren’t there tomorrow? Oh, and if you do get to meet up face-to-face, put down the fucking phone. Cavemen communicated just fine without it, and you’re not that much better than a caveman. Believe me, neither am I.

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